Eaven Says…
So far with the wheels that I have ordered:
- 3mm X 75mm Diamond Fluting wheel – This wheel is a beast I have only good things to say about it. 100% satisfied
- 100mm X 10mm CBN – This wheel along with my programing has done exactly what I have set out to do with it. All in all this wheel will save us thousands of dollars a year. 1000% satisfied. I want to talk to you about redesigning this wheel for another purpose along with what we are doing now.
- The three 125mm X 6mm cylindrical grinding wheels. – These wheels have performed exactly as I expected. 100% satisfied
- All the diamond 1A1 wheels for the manual machine. – All have performed exactly as I expected. 100% satisfied
- All the diamond 11A2 wheels for the manual machine. – All have performed as I expected. 100% satisfied
- 2mm and 3mm wide metal bond 1A1 wheels. – These wheels get the job done. 100% satisfied